APX7000XE Radio

We offer the most complete line of Parts and Accessories for the APX7000XE Radio.

Our trusted APX7000XE Batteries are ready when you are. The APX7000XE Radio Battery is made with quality in mind and will meet or exceed OEM requirements. Our durable APX7000XE Speaker Mics are made with high quality parts. The APX7000XE Speaker Mic keep your hands free, so you can focus on the task at hand. We also carry a full range of accessories like surveillance earpieces, chargers, headsets, antennas and more to help you communicate with your coworkers.

Shop with Two Way Radio Supply for premium Motorola APX7000XE Batteries, Parts and Accessories. We offer great customer service, easy check out process, everyday low prices and quick shipping.

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The 5080370E97 Our Brand Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. The 5080370E97 comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsHT1250LS+, CP200XLS, DTR410, XTS3500, XPR6580, P1325, GP344, GP680, CLS1110, GP1280, XV1100, SP21, JT1000, GP600, GTX LTR Portable, CP125, CP450, XTN446, RDU4100, APX6000LI, VL50, P080, GP320, HT1250LS, CP200d, CT450·LS, XTS3000, XPR6550, GP340, BPR40, GP1200, XU4100, SP10, HT750LS, GP388, GTX, CP120, CP300, RDU2080d, APX6000, P040, GP308, HT1250, CP200, CT450, XTS2500, XPR6500, GP339, BPR20, EP450, XU2600, RDX Series, HT750, GTI, CP110, CP250, XPR7580, RDU2020, APX4000LI, MT1000, GP300, HT1000, CP185, CT250, XTS2250, APX8000 , XPR6380, P1225LS, GP338, EP350, XU2100, RDV5100, HT6000, RDU Series, GP9000, CP100, CP240, XPR7550, XV2600, APX4000, VL130, MOBIUS, GP280, GTX900, CP160, CT150, XTS1500, GP68, APX7000XE, XPR6350, P1225, GP329, DTR650, XU1100, RDV2080d, HT1550XLS, XPR7380, PRO3150, GP360, GP900, CP040, CP220, XV2100, APX3000, SRX2200, MAG ONE, GP2100, GP650, GTX800, CP150, CP88, XTN600, RDV Series, APX7000, XPR6300, P1215, GP328+, HT1550, CP200·XLS, DTR550, XTS5000, RDV2020, XPR7350, PR400, GP350, GP88, CLS1410, XV1400, APX1000, SP50, LTS 2000, GP2000, GP640, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, CP140, CP450-LS, XTN500, RDU4160d, APX6000XE, XPR6100, P110, GP328
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The 5080386B90 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 25 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsCP185, VL50, RDU2080d, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, APX4000, XTN500, P1225LS, CP120, XV1400, DTR650, GP680, CP100, CP250, XPR6580, RDX Series, LTS 2000, GP900, XTS5000, GP328, HT750, APX7000XE, CP200, XPR6100, RDU4100, GP328+, APX3000, XTN600, P1325, CP125, XV2100, EP350, GP88, CP040, CP300, XPR7350, SP10, CT250, GP2100, XU1100, GP9000, HT750LS, APX7000, CP200d, XPR6300, RDU4160d, JT1000, GP344, APX1000, XTS1500, PR400, HT1000, XV2600, EP450, GP339, CLS1410, CP450, XPR7380, SP21, CT450, GP280, XU2100, GTI, GP329, APX6000XE, CP200XLS, XPR6350, RDV Series, HT1250, P080, XTS2250, GP350, MAG ONE, CLS1110, PRO3150, HT1250LS, GP1200, GP340, GP300, APX6000LI, CP450-LS, XPR7550, SP50, CT450·LS, P110, XU2600, GTX, GP338, CP200·XLS, XPR6380, RDV2020, GTX800, P040, XTS2500, GP360, HT1550, BPR40, RDU Series, HT1250LS+, GP1280, CP150, DTR410, GP308, APX6000, CP88, XPR7580, SRX2200, CP140, XU4100, GP640, GP650, P1215, MT1000, CP220, XPR6500, RDV2080d, XTS3000, GP388, HT1550XLS, BPR20, CP160, VL130, RDU2020, GTX LTR Portable, GP2000, GP320, APX4000LI, CT150, XTN446, CP110, XV1100, DTR550, GP68, P1225, MOBIUS, CP240, XPR6550, RDV5100, GTX900, XTS3500, GP600, HT6000, APX8000
The 67009254001 Replacement for the Motorola Original Mushroom Tips. Comes as a 10 Pack and Clear. Will Fit most acoustical coiled tube ear piece's.
Ear Piece StyleMushroom Ear Bud Fits Radio ModelsGP1280, XTS3000, CP200·XLS, VL130, GP9000, GP344, APX6000, CP450-LS, XTS5000, XV1100, RDV5100, DTR410, GP640, GP328, XPR7580, CP140, P1225, GTX Privacy Plus Portable, BPR20, HT6000, CT450·LS, GP2000, XTS2500, CP200XLS, VL50, GTI, APX4000LI, CP450, RDX Series, XV1400, RDV2020, DTR550, GP650, GP328+, XPR7550, CP125, P1225LS, GTX800, APX8000 , HT750, P040, GP2100, XTS2250, CP200d, RDU2020, JT1000, XPR6500, APX4000, CP300, SP10, XV2100, RDV2080d, DTR650, GP68, GP329, CP040, CP120, P1325, GTX900, APX7000XE, XPR7380, CT450, GP280, XTS1500, CP200, RDU Series, GP350, APX3000, LTS 2000, XPR6380, CP250, SP21, XV2600, HT1550XLS, EP350, HT1000, GP680, GP338, CLS1410, CP110, PR400, XU2600, APX7000, XPR7350, RDU2080d, CT250, GP300, XTN600, CP185, GP360, APX1000, MAG ONE, XPR6350, RDV Series, CP240, SP50, HT1250LS+, EP450, MT1000, HT1250, GP88, GP339, CLS1110, CP100, XU2100, APX6000XE, XPR6580, RDU4100, CT150, GP388, GP308, XTN500, CP160, PRO3150, GTX, BPR40, MOBIUS, XPR6300, P110, GP1200, XTS3500, CP220, SRX2200, HT1550, HT1250LS, GP900, GP340, APX6000LI, XU1100, XU4100, XPR6550, RDU4160d, CP88, GP600, GP320, XTN446, CP150, P1215, GTX LTR Portable, BPR40, HT750LS, XPR6100, P080
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$1950 $1010
The 7580372E70 is Replacement Foam Ear Cushion. Made to fit most all earbud/Pellet Style earpiece's like those that will fit the IPhone style. They are soft stretchable hygenic black cushions. This is a 10 PACK.
Ear Piece StyleEarbud Foam Cushion Fits Radio ModelsHT1550XLS, SP50, RDV Series, XV1400, APX3000, CT450, P1215, CLS1110, PRO5450, XPR7350, RDU2023, CP200XLS, XTS5000, MTX838, GTX, PRO2150, APX7000XE, MT2000, XPR6300, RMU2043, CP450, XTS1500, GP2000, PRO7350, CP140, HT750, SRX2200, RDV2020, XV2100, APX4000, CT450·LS, P1225, CLS1410, XPR7380, RDU2080d, CP200·XLS, XU1100, MTX850, HT1000, PRO3150, APX8000 , MTS2000, XPR6350, RMU2080, CP450-LS, XTS2250, GP300, PRO7450, CP150, HT750LS, VL130, RDV2080d, XV2600, APX4000LI, DTR410, P1225LS, CP040, XPR7550, RDU4100, CP220, XU2100, MTX850LS, HT1250, PRO5150, APX8000XE, MTX-LS, XPR6380, RMU2080d, CP88, XTS2500, GP350, PRO7550, CP160, APX6000, JT1000, VL50, RDV5100, XV4100, PRO5550, XPR7580, DTR550, P1325, CP100, RDU4103d, CP240, XU2600, MTX9000, HT1250LS, CT150, PRO5350, APX900, MTX8000, XPR6500, RMV2080, XTS3000, GP900, PRO7750, CP185, APX6000LI, LTS 2000, XPR3300, RDX Series, PRO5750, XTN446, DTR650, PR1500, CP110, RDU4160d, XU4100, MTX9250, HT1250LS+, APX1000, PR400, BPR20, MTX8250, XPR6550, SP10, CP200, XTS3500, GP9000, PRO9150, PRO7150, APX6000XE, MAG ONE, XPR3500, RMM2050, CP250, XTN500, EP350, CP120, HT1550, SP21, RDU4163d, XV1100, MTX950, CT250, P110, BPR40, MTX8250LS, XPR6580, CP200d, XTS4250, GTI, RDU2020, PR860, APX7000, MT1500, XPR6100, RMU2040, CP300, XTN600, EP450, CP125
ADP-APX7000 Universal Charger Adapter Cup
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$3220 $1950
ADP-APX7000 Adapter Cup for Universal Chargers Compatible with all OEM batteries including PMNN4547A For use with Li-Ion and LiPo batteries Command Tac ADP-APX7000: ADP -APX7000
Type of ChargerDesk Top Charger, Quad Chemistry, Rapid Charger AC/DC CapableAC
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$9570 $6950
Our  APX7000   XE  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  APX7000   XE  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Noise Canceling, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip,  Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port  and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$10945 $7700
Our  APX7000   XE  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Top Quality in Mind.  Our  APX7000   XE  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
APX7000 XE Radio Speaker Mic
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$12100 $8700
Our  APX7000   XE  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  APX7000   XE  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP67, Hi/Lo Volume Push Button, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Push Anywhere Style PTT, Superior Audio, Super High Impact Casing, Oversized 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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Our  APX7000   XE  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Highest Quality in Mind.  Our  APX7000   XE  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Rated IP68, Hi/Lo Volume Switch, Heavy Duty Anchored Kevlar Coil Cable, Strain Relief, Built to Mil-Std 810, Superior Audio, 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 3 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
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$8470 $6200
Our  APX7000   XE  Remote Speaker Mic  is made with Quality in Mind.  Our  APX7000   XE  Radio Mic  provides Professional Grade, Heavy Duty Strain Relief, Rugged Head Design, Superior Audio, 360 Degree Clothing Clip, Standard 3.5mm Accessory Port and a 1 Year Waranty. All with greater savings over OEM brand equipment
Activation MethodPush To Talk Button Cable ConstructionKevlar Reinforced Cable
APX7000XE Battery
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$14420 $10800
APX7000XE 3000mAh Radio Battery The APX7000XE is a 7.4V / 3000 mAh / 22.5 Wh / Li-Ion battery.  Dimensions (HxWxD): 3.41" x 2.36" 1.66" (86.6 mm x 60.0 mm x 42.2 mm)
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
APX7000XE Battery 7.4V / 3000 mAh
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$16480 $10800
APX7000XE LiPo Radio Battery The APX7000XE is a 7.4V / 3000 mAh / 22.5 Wh / Li-Ion battery. It comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which produces one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. 
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
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The BP4486LIIC-48 is a 4800mAh High Capacity Short Battery, Impres 1 & 2 Compatible, 7.4 Volts, 35.5 Wh, 18 Month Warranty, Lithium Ion, Short Battery. Our Replacement BP4486LIIC-48 battery is equipped with the Best Quality cells, and is Impres Smart with the same functions as the OEM Brand.
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
BP7038LIP Battery
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$14420 $10800
BP7038LIP Replacement Radio Battery The  BP7038LIP  is a 7.4V / 3000 mAh / 22.5 Wh / Li-Ion battery. BP7038LIP fits the following radios: APX6000, APX6000XE, APX7000, APX700XE, APX8000  
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
BP7038LIPIC Battery
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$16480 $10800
BP7038LIPIC Replacement Radio Battery The BP7038LIPIC is a 7.4V / 3000 mAh / 22.5 Wh / Li-Ion battery. It comes with commercial grade Japanese cells and is a smart battery which produces one of the longest lasting battery life on the market. 
Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola OEM Brand RadioMotorola
CT4403 Battery
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$16480 $8790
The Command Tac CT4403 comes with 18 month warranty. The CT4403 Battery features 2150 mAh, Impres Compatible Smart Battery, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion, Short Battery. Command Tac CT4403 Replacement battery is equipped with the Best Quality Japanese cells, and is designed with the same functions as the OEM Brand. CT4403 replaces PMNN4403B, PMNN4403A, PMNN4403
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
CT4485 Battery
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$15780 $10800
The CT4485 is a 3000 mAh, Impres Compatible Smart Battery, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion, Short Battery. Command Tac CT4485 Replacement battery is equipped with the Best Quality Japanese cells. The CT4485 comes with a 12 month warranty. The CT4485 replaces PMNN4485A, PMNN4485
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
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$12650 $8400
The Command Tac CTB-4486-B works with the APX radios listed below. The CTB-4486-B features 3200 mAh, NON Impres, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry, Short Battery. Command Tac CTB-4486-B Replacement battery is equipped with the Best Quality Japanese cells, and comes with an 18 month warranty. The CTB-4486-B will work on all types of chargers and replaces PMNN4486A and PMNN4486
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
CT7038 Battery
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$15950 $10800
The Command Tac CT7038 has an 12 month warranty and works with radios listed below. The CT7038 features 3200 mAh, Impres Compatible Smart Battery, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry, Short Battery. Command Tac CT7038 Replacement battery is equipped with the Best Quality Japanese cells. The CT7038 replaces NNTN7038A, NNTN7038B and NNTN7038
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
CT4486 Battery
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$15870 $13900
The CTB-4486-48 features 4800 mAh, Impres Compatible Smart Battery, 7.2 Volts, Li-Ion Chemistry, Short Battery. Command Tac CTB-4486-48 Replacement battery is equipped with the Best Quality Japanese cells, and comes with an 18 month warranty. The CTB-4486-48 replaces PMNN4486A, PMNN4486 and NNTN7038  
TechnologySmart Technology Radio Manufacturer (Radios)Motorola
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